Strategic Priorities
iNADO is the international member body of National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) and Regional Anti-Doping Organisations (RADOs).
Through carefully listening to the different voices and perspectives of our members and the wider world in which we operate, iNADO has identified three strategic priorities and nine strategic activities to guide our work over the next five years and beyond.
We believe that we can fulfil our purpose of Working Together Towards Excellence by
Our Purpose
iNADO is thousands of experts working together, so that every NADO/RADO globally moves towards excellence in supporting athletes for clean sport.
Working Together Towards Excellence

Our spirit
We believe that how we show up has a massive impact on what we can achieve. Working Together Towards Excellence demands that we show up with:

Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping
We understand the pathways to excellence through the lens of the Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping:

Our three strategic priorities & nine strategic activities
We are committed to Working Together Towards Excellence based on three strategic priorities and nine strategic activities:

Read our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan to understand how we plan to fulfill our purpose of Working Together Towards Excellence in the years to come.
Our new way of working
Our new way of working brings together Technical Leads, Hot Topics, and Regional Groups.

Technical Leads - To bring recommendations to the anti-doping community will rely on Technical Leads from our members and non-members. We want them to take the lead to analyze issues, summarize conversations and to propose solutions.

Hot Topics - We will carefully look for and work around Hot Topics. These are the issues, challenges or questions that resonate with most for our members, and which benefit the most from collective effort. The Hot Topics derive from the input of our members, from surveys or conversations. They are clearly identified and communicated with our members. They drive our agenda for a period of time, but it does not mean that we will not address emerging issues.

Regional Groups - We understand some of the conversation we want to have with our members have a regional character, they are not relevant everywhere. Within iNADO there will be room to take discussions to a sub-level. A Regional Group could be called to discuss and resolve a Hot Topic together with members of similar cultural or structural characteristics, the definition is not limited to the same geographical region.