The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations e.V. values transparency as a key pillar of Good Governance. iNADO is committed to a transparent sharing of corporate information.
Corporate Documents
In order to meet its own expectations of an organisation's good governance, The institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations e.V. publishes all corporate documents with a public interest. iNADO publishes its constitution, financial regulations and reports and quarterly reports for everyone interested.
Older versions as those uploaded can be requested at info@inado.org.
Up to 2020 iNADO operated as an Limited Company registered in the UK.
In 2021, iNADO became a non-for profit German association and our Constitution is registered at the local court of Bonn, Germany.
iNADO is funded primarily by the fees of its Members. During the initial years this was supplemented by an annual grant from WADA. In addition, iNADO has sponsorship revenue and income from the sale of its services (such as participation of non-Members at its events).
iNADO operates according to an annual budget approved by its Board of Directors. iNADO’s accounts are audited each year by external auditor and published here.
The financial statements state all actual expenses and incomes from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
Financial Statement 2021 - iNADO e.V. Financial Statement 2022 Financial Statement 2023
Since 2016, iNADO issues annual reports to keep its Members informed on iNADO's activities and achievements.
iNADO was founded in the UK in 2012 and has continuously held general meetings every year to report and provide accountability to its members. Since 2021, iNADO operates in Germany and held its first Annual General Assembly in April.
iNADO e.V. 2022 General Assembly - Record of Decisions iNADO e.V. 2023 General Assembly - Record of Decisions iNADO e.V. 2024 General Assembly - Record of Decisions

Join iNADO!
National Anti-Doping Organisations can join iNADO e.V. by completing and submitting the membership application form. Once the Membership application is approved by the Governing Board, iNADO e.V. will issue an invoice for the annual membership fee.
Fees are based on the national contribution to WADA, calculated at 20% of that contribution to a maximum of US$ 8.270.
iNADO Membership Online Form