iNADO Governing Board

Anders Solheim- Chair (Anti-Doping Norway)
CEO of Anti-Doping Norway (ADNO) since its establishment in 2003. With a solid background spanning years of service for the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the NOC of Norway, Anders Solheim’s leadership has been pivotal in ADNO’s work and stature on the global stage.
Under his leadership, ADNO has been actively engaged in international cooperation. Which is evident through his former roles as a member of the WADA Education Committee and Chair for WADA IO program at two major events. From 2014 to 2018 he was the Chair of the Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention, and from 2018 to 2022 chairing the Ad-Hoc Group drafting the General Principles for Fair Procedure Applicable to Anti-Doping Proceedings in Sport.
Anders played semi-professional football for almost a decade and is one of the founding members of the Norwegian Players Union.
Solheim holds a M.A. from the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, with additional studies in Public Law at the University of Oslo and Management at the Oslo Business School. Recently he achieved a UEFA Certificate in Football Management at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration.
His belief in the significance of international cooperation mirrors the core mission of iNADO. Fostering partnerships and collaboration across borders is vital in the pursuit of clean sport.

Lindsey Stafford- Vice-Chair (USADA)
USADA Director of Olympic and Paralympic Programs.With more than a decade of experience in anti-doping, Lindsey Stafford has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of clean sport at both national and international levels. She is currently a senior leader at the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, where she serves as the Director of Olympic and Paralympic Programs. She leverages her years of experience in anti-doping, operations, and international relations to successfully implement strategic programs and develop policies aimed at deterring doping practices and safeguarding the rights of clean athletes.
Lindsey also utilizes her deep understanding of anti-doping to serve at the governance level. She was first elected to serve on the iNADO Governing Board in 2021 and was elected to serve a second term in 2024 as the Vice Chair. In this capacity, she brings a steadfast commitment to driving positive change and upholding the highest standards of governance and ethical conduct for iNADO and its members.
Dedicated to upholding the values of integrity and fairness in sports, Lindsey is extremely excited to continue representing iNADO and fostering partnerships with its members.

Béatrice Bourgeois (AFLD)
President of the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) since 2023. Graduated from the Ecole normale supérieure and the Ecole nationale d'administration, Béatrice Bourgeois is a member of the Conseil d'Etat (French council of State). Before joining AFLD, Béatrice Bourgeois held, for twenty-two years, both jurisdictional and advisory positions within the Conseil d'Etat. She has also worked for the Conseil constitutionnel (The French Constitutional Council), been a member of the college of the Autorité de la concurrence (French competition regulator), been a member or president of various ethics committees and chaired the national disciplinary chamber of the Ordre des médecins (French medical order).
Béatrice Bourgeois is committed to developing the activities of INADO and its members in currently under-represented regions and to improving the visibility and accessibility of educational resources, thus ensuring equitable and inclusive representation of the entire iNADO community.

Li Zhiquan (CHINADA)
Li Zhiquan is the Director General of China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA).
Graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology & Roosevelt University in Business Administration, he has a diverse background working in the broad sports field, including in several major event organizations, in sports betting, in China’s largest sports media corporation, in sports legislation as one of the drafters of China’s Sport Law, and in sports science and education. After joining CHINADA in 2022, he promoted international communication and collaboration and initiated programs to provide support for underdeveloped NADOs. He also led the CHINADA team to successfully complete the doping control program of several international and national major events including the Asian Games.
Li is committed to building a stronger and more supportive mechanism for cooperation, collaboration and exchanges for more harmonized development and better practices worldwide.

Sarah Benson (Sport Integrity Australia)
Sarah holds responsibility for driving a nationally coordinated response to sport integrity issues in Australia, with a focus on anti-doping as the National Anti-Doping Organisation responsible for implementing anti-doping arrangements in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code; the National Integrity Framework; Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program with a focus on discrimination, child abuse and mistreatment across all levels of Australian sport; targeted education to deter activities that may threaten sports integrity; Law Enforcement partnerships and Capability Development to position the agency with sound foundations and an ability to stay ahead of the increasing volume and complexity of threats facing sport integrity in Australia.
Sarah is working with international partners to strengthen the global anti-doping integrity environment for athletes to ensure transparency and a level playing field for all athletes.
Prior to joining Sport Integrity Australia in 2023, Sarah was the Chief Forensic Scientist for the Australian Federal Police (AFP). In this role, Sarah was responsible for executive leadership and management of the AFP Forensics Command providing operational and capability leadership across the AFP’s domestic and international policing responsibilities and providing high-level strategic advice to the AFP Executive, Australian Government and external committees, including the Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee, Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency and INTERPOL.
Sarah coordinated Australia’s law enforcement support following the 2019 volcanic eruption on White Island in New Zealand. Sarah was also instrumental in the forensic and disaster victim identification support offered to the Netherlands and Ukraine following the 2014 MH17 disaster.
Sarah studied at the University of Technology, Sydney and holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Science) – Forensic Analysis of Explosives using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (2009) and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry – Forensic Science (2000).
In addition, Sarah is a committed mentor to women in law enforcement and forensic sciences. In 2021, Sarah was awarded the Public Service Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List; the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Alumni Award for Excellence (Faculty of Science); and the UTS Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.

Tony Josiah (UKAD)
Tony is responsible for developing international relations, influencing UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD) anti-doping policies and practices, leading the Education and Insight and Innovation teams, and ensuring the athlete’s voice is heard. He has been a part of UKAD since its inception in 2009 and has held numerous key positions during that time, including Head of International and Stakeholder Relations, Acting Director of Operations and Interim Director of Education, Insight and Global Engagement.
Throughout his career, he has built connections with key stakeholders across the sport and anti-doping landscape and represented the UK at various international sporting events and conferences. He was first elected in 2021 as a non-executive member of the Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) Board, contributing to their strategic direction and international fight against doping in sport. He was elected to serve a second term in 2024. Tony has expertise in relation to the compliance and governance issues that impact anti-doping globally. He has undertaken duties that encompass international development, laboratory relationships, major events management, results management, testing and operations, and he also wrote and continues to implement UKAD’s International Strategy.
In addition to his role at UKAD, Tony is also a member of the UK Sport International Leader Programme Alumni, which is UK Sport’s flagship international people development initiative for high calibre individuals from the UK to attain, operate and succeed in international sports organisations.
To remain an effective Board member and serve the NADO and RADO members of INADO , he is committed to staying involved and informed on the important issues impacting the clean sport agenda.

Deslyn Pather (SAIDS)
Senior Doping Control Coordinator at the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport(SAIDS). Deslyn is a Sport Management graduate with 13 years of experience in National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO) operations. Her technical knowledge of The Code and International Standards has allowed Deslyn to assist numerous burgeoning NADOs and RADO’s in Africa in establishing and implement doping control operations.
Deslyn’s administrative skills have seen her manage and administer the doping control services at numerous international sports events in South Africa. She was a key member of the doping control administration at the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, 2022 Sevens Rugby World Cup and 2023 Netball World Cup, among a few international sports events.
Deslyn is committed to share her knowledge and expertise with NADOs on achieving operational efficiencies within the framework of The Code and International Standards.

Teemu Japisson (FINCIS)
Teemu has worked as secretary general of FINCIS since January 1, 2019. Before that, he has worked for more than 20 years in management positions in national sports organizations. He has worked, among other things, as the general secretary of the Finnish Olympic Committee and the Sports Confederation.
Teemu graduated from the University of Tampere in political science and also has an eMBA.
In Teemu's opinion, the most important task of iNADO is to help NADOs and RADOs to work together, learn together, help each other and raise the bar together.
One of the great and challenging things about iNADO is the diversity of its members. iNADO has members from all continents, different cultures, and the size of the organizations varies a lot. iNADO must be able to bring added value to all our members, whether the member is a small RADO, a large NADO from North America or a small NADO from Africa.
Teemu is very proud to be part of the global anti-doping community. A community with a common mission - clean sport.
Every board member of iNADO has an extensive and varied knowledge of anti-doping. With their experience they support iNADO in achieving its goals.
The tasks and responsibilities of the iNADO Governing Board as per the iNADO constitution are as follows:
- To interpret the objectives and missions set by the membership at the General Assembly
- To approve the association’s policies except those approved at a General Assembly
- To ensure that the directions set by the membership at the General Assembly are implemented
- To set the broad goals of the strategic plan
- To monitor the performance of the delivery of the goals
- To mandate, as appropriate, the CEO to represent the association in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down
- To appoint a certified auditor
- Change or complementation of the constitution, which is required by the registry authority or the tax authorities
The Governing Board consists of up to eight individuals elected by the association´s membership at the General Assembly.
The term of office shall be three years. No individual shall serve on the Governing Board for more than two consecutive terms. An individual may serve a further two consecutive terms following a stand down period of one term.
Since the inception of iNADO in 2012, the Governing Board (until 2021: Board of Directors) has been composed of members with a diverse range of skills and expertise in anti-doping. All previous and current members of the board are committed to working together with the NADO community to achieve clean sport.
The attached file provides an overview of the terms of current and past Governing Board Members.
Following iNADO's rules of procedure records of decisions from Governing Board Meetings as of 2021 are available to view by iNADO members here.
Governing Board Meeting - August 2024 Governing Board Meeting - May 2024 Governing Board Meeting - April 2024