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Survey: Athlete Representation in Anti-Doping Organizations

Survey: Athlete Representation in Anti-Doping Organizations

Dear Anti-Doping Organizations and Stakeholders,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a survey focused on athlete representation within the anti-doping community.  As part of our ongoing commitment to building a supportive community and improving practice everywhere, your input is invaluable.
This survey aims to gather insights and feedback from ADOs to better understand the current landscape and the ways in which we can improve athlete representation and support for athletes in anti-doping.  Your participation will help us identify and develop strategies that ensure the voices of athletes are heard and supported. This survey will cover various aspects of athlete representation and support, including:

  • The Athlete Voice and challenges to athlete representation
  • Mechanisms of athlete representation
  • Athlete legal support
  • Ombuds support for athletes

Your responses will be kept confidential. We estimate that the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

To participate, please click on the following link: Complete the Survey here

Thank you in advance for your time and valuable contributions. Together, we can work towards a more inclusive and effective anti-doping community.

Best regards,
The iNADO Team