How should an ADO calculate the applicable Period of Ineligibility? The starting point, for the most common ADRVs, is Article 10.2. This webinar will discuss whether the Period of Ineligibility begins at two years or at four years, and why.
That discussion will consider the definition of 'intent', the relevance of 'recklessness', proof of source, and whether an absence of intent can be proven without source.
Current discussions among Legal Experts in Basecamp indicate the usefulness of learning more about Article 10.2 and related definitions. Register to the Webinar Here Bird and Bird, an international law firm renowned for its extensive expertise in anti-doping matters, is a new partner of iNADO that will be providing members with top-tier legal support. |
We invite you to join this webinar and actively participate in the question-and-answer session. In addition, please use the registration form to share your questions. We will incorporate these, anonymously if you wish, into the discussion and ensure that members benefit from this live exchange. The session recording will be shared on our GoTo Public Channel. Thank you, Your iNADO team |